You might not have heard of T Boone Pickens before, but if you watch TV in this day & age, you've probably seen his ads on wind power and natural gas cars. He's also paid to get Prop 10 on the California ballot, which would mandate subsidies for natural gas vehicles.
If you've only seen the ads and the fluff news stories, you might think Pickens is a wealthy philanthropist who's trying to wean America off its dependence on foreign oil. But the truth is far from that. Pickens is a billionaire oil speculator who owns significant natural gas and wind power holdings, and he'd profit handsomely from passage of prop 10 and a widespread move to natural gas and wind power. He's also the money behing Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the group founded to slander John Kerry during the 2004 presidential campaign.
Do we really want a rich right-wing corporate raider from the oil industry using his petro dollars to gain undue influence over US and state energy policy? Seems to me he's unfit for command.
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