Friday, February 27, 2009

Idiocy Only Wingnuts Can Believe In

Granted, it's hard to be a Republican these days. Their numbers are dwindling, the Bush Recession has turned them into a regional party comprised mainly of wingnuts, and the public is with President Obama on almost all major issues. The national GOP has turned to cynicism and obstructionism in a time of true crisis. But every so often the wingnuts truly go off their rocker and say or do some things I can hardly believe. A few examples:

The California Mayor and The Watermelons
Los Alamitos, CA Mayor Dean Grose has announced that he will be stepping down from his position on March 2, after sending an e-mail picture depicting the White House lawn planted with watermelons under the title ‘No Easter egg hunt this year.’

Texas GOP Congressman Claims Recessions are Just Part of Freedom
This morning on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal, a caller asked Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) how Republicans would solve the current economic crisis. He replied by insisting that the best cure was more tax cuts, and said that recessions are simply "part of freedom."

Rush Limbaugh's Female Summit
Why do women hate him? Could be the misogyny.

John Bolton Suggests Nuking Chicago, CPAC Audience Cheers
A little collateral damage never hurt least according to Bolton.

These people were in charge just a few short months ago. Is it any wonder that our nation is in crisis?

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