Friday, January 9, 2009

Will the Supremes Attack Voting Equality?

The Bush Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case challenging parts of the 1965 voting rights act, which prevents states with a history of voting intimidation and discrimination from changing their election laws and procedures without federal approval. This provision was meant to stop these states from arbitrarily changing their laws to keep minorities from voting.

I don't know what's more disturbing...the fact that the Bush Court agreed to hear this case, or the rather amusing arguments put forward by the plaintiffs:

"The America that has elected Barack Obama as its first African-American president is far different than when" the law was first enacted in 1965, they said.

So Obama's election, on the coattails of the biggest economic collapse in three generations, as well as the negligence and malice of the GOP, means that discrimination is over in America? So we should just go about our business and trust in the good hearts of formerly racists regions in the South to let black folks vote...yeah, right. I can see the Bush Court using this as an excuse to overturn much of the progress made from the struggles of the 50's and 60's.

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