Friday, June 19, 2009

America's Health Plan: No Mandate, and a Public Option...PLEASE

I've been reading up on Congress' latest attempt at health care reform and I'm a little concerned. So far it looks like it will have a mandate to insure, and there's a nominal public plan in the mix. But there isn't a funding mechanism yet, and such a plan would have to survive the amendment process, where Republicans and corporatist Democrats could strip or water down the public plan.

One thing's clear: mandates do not belong in this or any other bill. Forcing Americans to purchase overpriced insurance plans won't reduce the cost of care, won't achieve universal coverage, and isn't fair. And without a real public option that could cover everyone it's not reform at all.

1 comment:

JustJoeP said...

and if there WAS a mandate, and you didn't buy the coverage, what would be the penalty? Jail? A fine? Having to deal with a pain in the ass and over priced insurance company?