Monday, June 15, 2009

Getty Brothers Blog About Being Rich

The Chronicle has given two Getty brothers a blog so that they can write about what it's like to be rich. Thanks to SFBG for scooping this so I don't have to link directly to a worthless rag like Chron. You just can't make this stuff up:

...We're more famous for being rich than we really are rich. But we have enough to belong to the leisure class, meaning we get to spend very little of our time doing anything we don't feel like, and we have means to sample, if not to gorge on, pleasures that most people, sad to say, won't likely ever share in -- things like yacht trips and safaris, ludicrously expensive wine, and private jet travel. You can be richer than we are, but you can't live a whole lot better without mere ostentation.

Please tell me this is all just a big joke. Two idiots who inherited an oil fortune, funded the political career of Gavin Newsom, and are generally a drain on society...what is it they have to offer?