Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Over 6000 Years Old!

Thanks to Keith Olberman for this one. Today's worst person in the world is State Senator Sylvia Allen from the great state of Arizona. While speaking in favor of approving a permit to mine uranium, the distinguished State Senator reminds us that the Earth is over 6000 years old...and predates all those pesky environmental laws.

You heard right...we need to mine Uranium, which has a half-life of 4.47 bilion years and is used to carbon date artifacts from the earliest human civilizations (8000 years ago) and to do so, we need to get around those environmental laws that weren't around when the Earth was created 6000 years ago. Classic.

1 comment:

JustJoeP said...

she actually says the Earth has only been here 6000 years... sticking with her party's core ideology.