Thursday, November 13, 2008

America's Ugly Side Comes Out

Barack Obama's victory last week was certainly historic. As much as most of America is lauding the first black man elected President, this cathartic election has brought out some very ugly incidents:

In Midland, Mich., a man dressed in full Ku Klux Klan regalia walked around toting a handgun and waving an American flag. Initially denying it, the man eventually admitted to police that the display was a reaction to the Obama victory. “[The man] had a concealed weapon permit and was walking up and down the sidewalk in front of a vehicle dealership while some motorists shouted obscenities at him and others shouted accolades," police told The Saginaw News.

Ugly indeed...and a black mark for the advocates of conceal-carry permits. Those KKK robes hide firearms quite well. More from the cracker files:

One North Carolina man who flew his flag upside-down claimed that voters were racist, electing Obama because of his skin color, according to the Winston-Salem Journal. “The flag is stretched upside-down between two poles in a field, with a black X running from end to end. The X is a reference to the Confederate flag, said flag-owner Tony Heath. It reflects his belief that the Confederate flag has been unfairly targeted for protest by people trying to be politically correct,” the Journal reported.

It's disturbing that these two incidents are coming from two states Obama won. Then again, racism isn't limited by geography.

1 comment:

JustJoeP said...

Not just losers. Very sore losers.