Thursday, October 23, 2008

Even The Fundies Agree...

A new survey from The Barna Group shows Barack Obama making significant inroads among born-again Christians. Yes, you heard correctly. A pro-choice black Democrat from Hawaii by way of Illinois is garnering roughly 43% of the fundamentalist vote...roughly even with John McCain. I guess they've figured out exactly who's been picking their pocketbook these past 8 years.


JustJoeP said...

it's not the "pocket book picking" ... it's the fact that they don't buy McCain's "I'm a conservative christian(TM), really I am!" argument. He's not one of them, he just keeps trying to pretend he is. I'm surprised that it's down to only 1/2. I would've thought 2/3rds of them would be for Bob Barre.

Joe M said...

I would've thought 2/3rds of them would be for Bob Barre.

Not after his cheese moment in Borat