Monday, October 20, 2008

So Ronery...Part I

On my other blog, I introduced a periodic feature called The Redneck Files, which featured dumb people from red states doing dumb things. I figured I should start something like that here, but with a twist. So starting now, I'm going to make an effort to track complete butcherings of the English language...bonus points if it's by people who should know better. Here's our mascot:

In tribute to our favorite North Korean Dicatator caricature from Team America, here's an appropriate first entry:
Thought: shouldn't they require a literacy test before allowing someone to have a gun? Speak Engrish or die, commie.

1 comment:

JustJoeP said...

Stranczek? Probably some damn pollack whose parents didn't immigrate to the US (and who had to take English literacy tests before they could become citizens), like my parents did.
Then I google this moron... He's been in office for 39 freakin years!