Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Thanks a Lot, Repugs

We're in the midst of the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Equity markets are in turmoil. Creditors aren't lending. Retirement savings have disappeared overnight. And the pain is going to hit the poor and middle class hardest. This, my friends, is the legacy of deregulation and market findamentalism that started in the Reagan era, continued through Clinton, and has finally come to a head during the worst presidency in our nation's history.

It's time for this nation to stop trusting the bought-and-paid-for politicians who pushed us into this mess. Anybody preaching a market "solution" to our current problems should be thrown out of the public square, tarred and feathered, and ignored ever more. Their credibility is now nil. In short, it's time for a return to rational thought.

1 comment:

JustJoeP said...

but Joe, the "free hand of the market" will guide them. Just because your paradigm (and 95% of the world's paradigm) has had a reality check, the world's oligarchs and plutocrats are doing to do quite well in their walled communities, armoured cars, and private planes.