Friday, October 31, 2008

Stevens Creates His Own Reality

Ted Stevens, after being convicted of 7 felony counts earlier this week, is insisting that it didn't happen:

"I have not been convicted of anything," he maintained during a Thursday night debate in Anchorage, only days before Tuesday's election.

Like other prominent Republicans, it appears that Stevens is trying to create his own reality. Nevermind the 12 people who convicted him. Nevermind the solid case against him. The Senate's longest serving Republican thikns he hasn't been convicted of anything at all.

If the people of Alaska re-elect this man I may lose my faith in the goodness of humanity.

It looks like reality is giving Stevens a bit of an ulcer. He's losing his re-election bid:

Stevens (R) 36 (46)
Begich (D) 58 (48)

Have fun in prison, Ted. And remember: spit's the best lube around.

1 comment:

JustJoeP said...

Old Ted will be "tossin salad" real soon, hopefully.